Thursday, April 18, 2013

The Box

The Box

Ah!  What was in the box?
When The Dawn opens the box, she sees the words, ‘Give and Take’.  It is a box where one can freely take from or give unto its contents.  There is no right or wrong; there is neither this nor that.
She also finds this short story:
Many years ago, in a small village, a quiet elder of the town would bring a covered box to the door of each house in the town.  The resident would receive the box, take it into the house, close the door, open the box, and either take the from the box what he or she needed, or give unto the box what he or she could spare, replace the cover, and return it to the bearer and bringer of the box.  The elder would then take it to the next house and the next house, and so on, each day for six days per week.
The box that The Dawn stares into this morning has already acquired currency, coins and a feather from a hawk (which The Dawn quickly takes as a gift from the morning).  There is also a $40 gift certificate to Cliff Bell’s near the Fox Theater.  Peter smiles.
The beauty and simplicity of this box is the private nature and personal experience of each exchange or transaction. 

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